Payments to doctors are going down in 2016. No matter, it will be made up in volume and turfing to nurse practitioners. Medicare is tightening the noose on the seniors' "benefits", whether they know it or not. I'm sure the deductibles will rise for 2016, along with the monthly cost, because Obamacare has to be paid somehow, and moving the shells around may help disguise the fact that there's no more new money being produced...except for what they print.
Senior citizens believe that they can something for nothing when they sign on to a Medicare Advantage plan, they're lured by $0 up front costs and "free" dental exam, "silver sneakers" elder gym membership, or eyeglass benefit, but beware the fine print....the deductibles and copay kick in big time. Or better yet, they go to find a doctor, or they come into their established doctors' office, only to find that there are no doctors on the networks!!! Yes, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor!!!! But there's no more doctors!!!!!BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Seriously I'm laughing so hard I want to cry.
We're in for some tough truths folks. Believing that "Yes we can" or "Change you can believe in"--beyond naive, these are lovely slogans with zero substance. The "Yes We Can" is a literal translation of the "Si se puede" of the United Farm Workers' slogan courtesy of Cesar Chavez. Going a little further back in little known history (from the American viewpoint), we can review the "No pasaran" or "they won't pass/go through" of the Spanish communist party.
Folks, don't believe for one minute that these similarities are accidental. They are deliberately chosen from the vast library of failed socialist/Marxist slogans that won't die.
"Freedom" won't die either. And I mean freedom from government tyranny and oppression. I will pray, respect any flag, eat or put anything into my body that I choose, the origin of all social ills and problem lies in the State. We're not going to take it, anymore.