Clear Stream

Clear Stream

Friday, October 25, 2013

I told you so

Obamacare--the website, the law, the mandates--is probably the biggest disaster since the movie Ishtar, from 1978 I think with Warren Beatty.
No wait, the biggest since "the new Coke".
I knew it, along with the millions of voices taped shut by ObamStalin thugs, but the schadenfreude is being replaced by fury. I am FURIOUS about so  MUCH--THE GOVT WASTE, the $634 million website that functions like MS_DOS computer screens of 1989, and most of all, the lack of information about anything happening to the thousands of people who in 90 days don't have health insurance, can't buy a replacement, and don't know who to ask for help but yours truly, their doctor who will actually talk to them. I tell them I'm in the same boat, my Blue Cross policy is one of the 300,000 being cancelled Dec 31, 2013. As a doctor and as a patient, this is soooo outrageous. Increasingly, I find myself repeating to them to be strong and independent and to refuse to look to govt for the answers, Washington is so corrupt and tied up in knots that NOTHING will come of anything. More uninsured people means more cash paying patients, simple as that.
The populace is deeply confused and unhappy, I am witnessing an increasing level of anger and impatience. This does not bode well. The antics are affecting all socioeconomic strata, and some of these folks will resort to illegal action to get what they want. I don't know what concretely, but I can see it on their faces when I tell them that I don't have insurance either, I don't have any answers. I have heard the granola/tattooed mamas and papas spouting to me Rush Limbaugh and Grover Norquist-isms and I feel like I'm in the twilight zone. I agree with them, of course, but I do know this: the plebes are not all sheep. Some are very active and knowledgable and are canvassing actively and passively for the implosion of this monstrosity.
Let's take a look at a few little gems, to review the tortured history, of this big fat FAIL.

2009 juicy morsels-- read at the Guardian (UK)  and another here

The right Hon. Nancy Pelosi and her Idiocracy-level statement here.

All of these bozos can go eff themselves.

Friday, October 4, 2013

oh yes.....

Obamacare is this: a huge government expansion to make sure everyone "gets into the system" and buys health insurance thru the govt. You are forced to buy and report the receipts on IRS annual tax forms, and if you don't buy enough of their sanctioned plan, it would be deducted from your refund, if any, or levied as a fine. Also, all health habits, whether real or not, will be entered into a computerized database that the govt. will have open access to this. So, if your blood level doesn't show enough iron, the govt will force feed you more iron until you have the correct blood profile.

Think I'm kidding? Just you wait. BMI and overweight could be taxed MORE and weight will be a number that will be used against you. Purchases of fatty foods had a tax surcharge in Denmark for a while but then dropped, read about it here.

I'm feeling schadenfreude and I'm loving it. The govt shutdown is amazing. Nearly 1 million non-essential workers--what do these people do anyway? Push papers around for a grant to study roadkill? Hmmmm, lets see--airports are open, borders are open and letting goods through, military and VA hospitals open, postal service, Medicare and SSI, all open.

If you have an IV given to you from the govt mainline, of course you're whining and in pain, as all drug addicts are in the beginning.

And Harry Reid denied chemo to a little girl at the NIH saying everyone must get funding or nobody gets funding. Why is this asshat still around?