Clear Stream

Clear Stream

Friday, October 4, 2013

oh yes.....

Obamacare is this: a huge government expansion to make sure everyone "gets into the system" and buys health insurance thru the govt. You are forced to buy and report the receipts on IRS annual tax forms, and if you don't buy enough of their sanctioned plan, it would be deducted from your refund, if any, or levied as a fine. Also, all health habits, whether real or not, will be entered into a computerized database that the govt. will have open access to this. So, if your blood level doesn't show enough iron, the govt will force feed you more iron until you have the correct blood profile.

Think I'm kidding? Just you wait. BMI and overweight could be taxed MORE and weight will be a number that will be used against you. Purchases of fatty foods had a tax surcharge in Denmark for a while but then dropped, read about it here.

I'm feeling schadenfreude and I'm loving it. The govt shutdown is amazing. Nearly 1 million non-essential workers--what do these people do anyway? Push papers around for a grant to study roadkill? Hmmmm, lets see--airports are open, borders are open and letting goods through, military and VA hospitals open, postal service, Medicare and SSI, all open.

If you have an IV given to you from the govt mainline, of course you're whining and in pain, as all drug addicts are in the beginning.

And Harry Reid denied chemo to a little girl at the NIH saying everyone must get funding or nobody gets funding. Why is this asshat still around?