Clear Stream

Clear Stream

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

How to lose friends and win enemies

And here we have a couple of nice neat bullet-shaped packages given out by a self anointed nerd antisocial MD PhD who has developed, a website where doctors are scored and rated by patients and/or peers.  These are tips to APPEAR more empathic. Not to actually become empathic, heaven forbid. You just have to look like it...sick sad world...

  • If there’s no parking for the patient when they arrive for their appointment, they think you don’t care about them. So you’ve got to have a good parking situation.
  • If the staff is rude when the patient calls to make an appointment, they think you don’t care about them.
Other ways of interacting with patients that convey empathy:
  • I schedule a lot of patients per unit time so I run to the door of the room and when I get there, I stop. I open the door really slowly so patients will think, “Oh, he’s in no hurry,” which is part of being perceived as caring.
  • I make a big deal of using the alcohol on the wall to cleanse my hands, because when they get in the car and drive home and they’re listening to a spot on National Public Radio talking about doctors who don’t wash their hands, I want them to remember that, “Dr. Feldman used that alcohol and protected me because he’s a caring doctor.”
  • I try to sit down, look patients in the eye, shake hands and introduce myself to everybody in the room.
  • I try to connect with patients and establish rapport
- See more at:

Does this guy think everybody is a 5 year old with such superficial (and creepy) observations such as "the doctor cares about me because I used the hand sanitizer". Most people are too sick, tired, dazed to notice. Also, hand sanitizer tends to be 99% alcohol and is highly flammable, thus not recommended if you're goig to use heat generating devices on a patient. Old fashioned soap and water first and ALWAYS you knob!!!!