I have a chronic huge-ass migraine from all of this Obamacare dreck. What I'm especially fond of, and what I won't forget, is the loud singing and praising that was happening for 4 years. Now that the product is a piece of crap, the public figures are retracting.
Patients are in a tizzy, the country is in a tizzy, the let down is enormous. The president lied--gasp, horror--can you all seriously have such crooked pseudo individuals as your object of idolatry?
Hilarious juxtaposition from the CEO of Starbucks, here is what he praised on Sept 16, 2013, 2 weeks before the catastrophic roll out on Oct 1.
Now let's read what he has to say, one month after the spectacular failure.
The hearings say just you wait, things will improve and get fixed. It's too late. There's a bad collective taste in America's mouth, and left or right, people still abhor blatant liars.