Clear Stream

Clear Stream

Thursday, November 21, 2013

It's bad and it's going to get worse, YAY!

As a physician, I hear all the intimate details of my patients' lives, whether I want to or not. The hot topic has been their cancelled insurance plans and what other insurance do I take. Also on the agenda-- the doctor "de-selections" from Medicare Advantage by AARP/United Healthcare "products" or plans.

People are seriously angry and scared. They won't go on to the abysmal website for fear of having all of their data hacked. Click here to read something that has been given 3 minutes of media time, but it is devastating testimony, and the public, smarter than one would think, is aware.

I myself tried to get onto the website to find out, as a physician, what plans are on the Florida exchange. I can't, I keep getting the error message. I am completely unaware and have no way to access the info, because no government agency has communicated with A SINGLE DOCTOR in the USA as to what the nuts and bolts of this mess contains. I don't know, and can't get, info on plans, fee schedules, etc.

You might think the AMerican Medical Association would have some information on this, since they so steadfastly supported PPACA in 2009. Take a quick look at the home page of the
website and there is ZERO info on Obamacare or the doctor deselections from insurance plans. Just some platitude about how great we are and how the Medicare SGR formula needs fixin', the same tired story for the past decade.

Therefore in planning a business strategy for 2014, which is about 45 days away if one considers the Thanksgiving and Christmas closures, I must seriously plan to NOT accept new patients. I cannot enter a world where I have no data, no info, no knowledge of how to navigate. One cannot conduct business blindly. One cannot do as the clowns in DC have done, with zero prepping and zero oversight, and accept a destructive product.

I do see this whole thing imploding in short order.

The only silver lining I see is that the anesthetized horde that believed in hope, change, and that government can decide and orchestrate their lives for them...suddenly they've woken up to the fact that the failed parable of Obamacare has hit them in the wallet, hit them in their ability to even continue to see their doctors, even if they were already insured--and they are unhappy and don't want this at all. I can't see how the president can govern if the people aren't with him, at all.

He can spout what he wants from Mt. Olympus but it makes not one iota of difference. The law stands. And it's crumbling. Inept, incompetent, a horrendous thing. People will suffer medical morbidities from this botched thing--cancelled plans beginning in 2014 and not continuing to see their doctors or get their prescriptions-- and the politicos will have blood on their hands. I hope someone tracks mortality and morbidity from this when it fully kicks in on Jan 1, 2014.